Learning Resources​

Since 2014, Brighton College has worked closely with the Sussex Syrian community to provide English learning resources and practise, as well as more recently organising Life in The UK preparation.

To visit us at Brighton College Prep School on Sundays, or to ask any questions please get in touch with Rachel at:

new course life in the UK

English Learning Resources

Here you can find some of the helpful language videos and quizzes that Brighton College pupils have prepared to help new arrivals get to grips with the English language. This is a good supplement to our in person English practise, with more to come!

Conversations In English

Learning group

Every Sunday Brighton College pupils and teachers spend 2 hours with any member of the community who wants to practise their spoken or written English. This can be preparation for a job interview, practising language for shopping and everyday vocabulary or just a general chat! The pupils enjoy it so much, as they often learn lots about life in Syria that they otherwise wouldn’t.

Life In The UK Course

learning two people

منالشهرالأولمنالعام 2021
وبالموادالتاليةأنجليزي.. رياضياتوالعلومالثلاثية….نرجومنالراغبينبالتسجيلبالتعليقأسفلالإعلانبكتابةالأسموالايميلللتواصل

From the first month of 2021, in collaboration with Brighton College, we are starting a new course “Life in the UK”.

Those who want to register should contact rhughes@brightoncollege.net or message the Facebook community group:

What is “Life in the UK”?

Visa test

It is a computer-based test that allows someone to have an “indefinite leave to remain (ILR)” in the UK. It proves that you have sufficient knowledge surrounding life as a British citizen with an understanding of the English Language.
The test itself contains 24 questions ranging from British values, history, everyday life and traditions: it lasts for 45 minutes, and the minimum pass mark is 18/24.
We aim to consolidate the understanding of different aspects of the test that a number of people in the Syrian community will take through our online resources and in person lessons on Sundays.